People can have very different ideas about what it means to have a cluttered home. For some, a small pile of things in the corner of an otherwise well-ordered room constitutes serious clutter. For others, only when the narrow pathways make it hard to get through a room does the clutter reach the serious level. How can you tell when the saving and clutter goes past normal and becomes a hoarding disorder? The Clutter Image Rating Scale was developed to help individuals and professionals determine where to draw the line. The image below represents a living room in various stages of clutter — from completely clutter-free to very severely cluttered. In general, rooms or homes that reach the level of picture No. 4 or higher reflect a level of impact on everyday life that might qualify as hoarding. If you discover that you really are a hoarder, there are several avenues of treatment available that you can discuss with your doctor.
Where Do You Rank On the Clutter Index?
People can have very different ideas about what it means to have a cluttered home. For some, a small pile of things in the corner of an otherwise well-ordered room constitutes serious clutter. For others, only when the narrow pathways make it hard to get through a room does the clutter reach the serious level. How can you tell when the saving and clutter goes past normal and becomes a hoarding disorder? The Clutter Image Rating Scale was developed to help individuals and professionals determine where to draw the line. The image below represents a living room in various stages of clutter — from completely clutter-free to very severely cluttered. In general, rooms or homes that reach the level of picture No. 4 or higher reflect a level of impact on everyday life that might qualify as hoarding. If you discover that you really are a hoarder, there are several avenues of treatment available that you can discuss with your doctor.