Maine Drivers Want the Right to Put Anything They Want on Their License Plates

The state of Maine is cracking down on personalized license plates they consider “vulgar.” For years, the people of Maine were allowed to add almost anything they wanted to their personalized license plates, but the state decided to change directions, banning words and phrases they deemed “inappropriate.” In 2022, the state recalled 274 plates. A vegan with the license plate “LUVTOFU" is among those caught in the crackdown, and people are beginning to fight back. Is it a sexual innuendo or an expression of love for bean curd? New rules issued by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles ban references to age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion or disability. You also can’t use language that would incite violence, and nothing considered obscene can be on your license plate. Most motorists have given up their objectionable license plates without a fight, but there have been 13 appeals. Denied appeals can be taken to the Supreme Court, but so far no one has taken that next step. As for the vegan, he has decided he’s done with vanity plates. He’s now waiting for a new and boring license plate to be issued by the state.