Struggling Bookstore Owner Makes Heartfelt Plea Online and Within Days Is Flooded With Support

All the nerdy bookworms out there will agree that it’s particularly heartbreaking to see a bookstore struggling. There are few commercial places in the world that hold so much inspiration, knowledge, whimsy, and quaintness all rolled into one. Independent bookstores have their own unique magic on top of that, providing their neighborhoods with a specially curated wonderland that’s available nowhere else in quite the same way. So, to have that snatched away because of financial hardship is devastating. This was the dire situation in which England-based bookstore owner Sapphire Bates (pictured above) found herself. Her shop, Book Bodega, endured an abysmal winter, with very few sales. A photo of the shop posted on Twitter on February 25th showed the shop completely empty. Book Bodega needed to make at least £800 ($956) in 3 days just to pay the bills and keep the doors open. Knowing that wouldn’t happen without some kind of miracle, Bates made one last-ditch effort by reaching out online. Little did she know just how many people would rush to show their support. It wasn’t long before the post went viral and people began advocating for Book Bodega. Eventually, Twitter user Jamil Qureshi offered to pay the full amount, which Bates was thrilled by but felt was too big an offer. The two reached an agreement where Qureshi would donate £1000 ($1,119), a portion of which would go towards a profit for the store and the rest of which would pay for books for customers who can’t afford them. It was the ultimate win-win. Save Book Bodega was a major success, Bates was able to pay her bills, and people who would otherwise be unable to buy books there can now enjoy a little free reading.