Eggs Are Expensive: Here's How to Freeze Them

If you go to the grocery store, surely you’ve had sticker shock when it comes to the price of eggs. The cost of a dozen eggs has hit $7 in California, and nationally the price has been on a steady climb. The Consumer Price Index for eggs shows the price up 49.1% in the last 12 months. Eggs only last a few weeks in the refrigerator, so it doesn’t pay to try to stock up on them — unless you're going to freeze them. You do, of course, have to follow a few steps in the process. In other words, you can’t just put a carton of eggs in the freezer and think everything is going to be okay. The yolks and whites will expand and the shells will crack — or even explode — and you’ll have a huge mess on your hands. So, here are the steps you need to take to free whole eggs, egg whites, and yolks. Unfortunately, you cannot freeze hard-boiled eggs, as they become rubbery after being thawed.

Whole Eggs
Freezing whole eggs is easy. Just crack the shells and plop the whole eggs into an ice cube tray or small muffin pan and cover it with plastic wrap. Once the egg cubes are completely frozen, transfer them into a freezer bag or another container for better storage.

Egg Whites
You can use the same method as above to freeze egg whites. Once you've separated your egg whites and egg yolks, simply freeze the whites in an ice cube tray. Be sure to measure out exact amounts so you know how much you have when you use it in the future. Typically, 2 tablespoons equals one egg white.

Egg Yolks
Freezing egg yolks without egg whites requires a little more work because they don't freeze very well on their own. The texture just isn't the same when they thaw — they turn gelatinous when they freeze and that makes them hard to use later in recipes. You can, however, add things like salt and sugar to prevent the gelatin from forming. If you think you'll use them for savory recipes, add about ⅛ teaspoon of salt for every four yolks. If you're freezing the yolks for dessert recipes, add 1½ teaspoons of sugar for every four yolks. Be sure to label the containers so you know whether they're sweet or savory.