The Royal Navy Has a Pub On the HMS Queen Elizabeth

The HMS Queen Elizabeth, the flagship of the Royal Navy, has one morale-boosting element that has worked like a charm: a pub. Known as the Queen’s Head, the pub is open to the 65,000-ton aircraft carrier's 1,600 crew members, who can enjoy a wide array of beers. Wadworth Brewery, located in Wiltshire, UK, created an ale specifically for the carrier. Appropriately named, Carrier Ale is a pale ale that’s on the lighter side, with a 3.6% ABV. Also available are the 6X Ale, a 4.1% ABV beer described as the “jewel in the Wadsworth crown," and the Swordfish Ale, with is a blend of beer and an old Navy rum recipe that packs a 5% ABV. By contrast, the U.S. Navy is a totally dry organization, where alcohol is strictly forbidden on ships. The Navy originally served daily rations of rum and then whisky to sailors for more than 100 years, but ended the practice during the Civil War.