Why Are TikTok Videos So Loud

With all the video platforms out there today, you would think that they would all be on the same page when it comes to volume, but they aren’t. The volume of YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram and Twitter videos are within the normal range, and then there are TikTok videos. If you’re wondering how to turn the volume down, that’s a question that's been asked by millions of users who have complained about the outrageous volume level. The sad fact is, by default there is no volume control in TikTok. If you use TikTok often, about the only option you have concerning the volume is to add an extension that controls it. In Firefox, the addon is called “TikTok Player,” which gives you control of the player, including volume level. In Chrome, you will find the extension Video Controls for TikTok, which can also be used on Microsoft Edge.