Stop Making Your Bed So Accessible to Spiders

Chances are, you’ve probably heard the enduring myth that we swallow an average of 8 spiders each year. While that’s not true, it wouldn’t be unusual for a spider to crawl into your bed at some point during the night. If that’s a concern for you, there are ways to make your bed less welcoming to the 8-legged creatures. Even the most tightly sealed homes still have some sort of opening to the outdoors by which a spider can gain entry, whether it’s a crack in a wall, patchy weatherstripping under a door, or a barely-open window. Though tiny, these openings make it possible for spiders, insects, and other bugs to gain access to your home. Here are a few easy ways to decrease your chances of a spider making its way into your bed.


Move your bed away from the wall. You don’t need to position it in the center of the room, but if your mattress or frame is pushed directly up against a wall or window, spiders can easily crawl onto your bed. Moving your bed even a few inches away from the wall or window can help. Also, tuck your sheets and any blankets under your mattress, instead of letting them hang down off the side. If they’re touching the floor, spiders can use them as a ramp up to your bed.

Make a peppermint oil spray. Spiders hate the smell of peppermint. To make your own repellent, fill a clean, 16-oz spray bottle with water, add five drops of peppermint oil, a squirt of liquid dish soap, and shake it up. Spritz the perimeter of your bed frame, under your bed, the windowsill, and anywhere else spiders may congregate.

Keep your room clean. Don’t eat in bed. Spiders may not want your crumbs, but plenty of other bugs do, and spiders will eat those bugs. Also, keep the area under your bed as clean as possible. Spiders like to hang out in dark, cluttered spaces, so vacuuming under your bed — and storing stuff in sealed containers — won’t make it very appealing to them.