A Cinnamon Bun By Any Other Other Name......

There are just some pleasures in life that most people can understand on a universal level, like the first cup of morning coffee, quality “me” time, and fresh, sticky, sweet cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon rolls, also called cinnamon buns, cinnamon swirls, cinnamon snails, and cinnamon Danishes, are sweet rolls that are commonly served in Scandinavia and other parts of Northern Europe and North America. Traditional cinnamon buns are made with yeast-leavened dough that's been rolled out into a sheet and sprinkled with a layer of cinnamon, sugar, butter, and sometimes even raisins. Once all components have been added, the cinnamon roll is then rolled into a log, cut into individual portions, and either baked or deep-fried. One of the most popular ways to serve a cinnamon roll is hot and fresh with a decadent powdered sugar glaze that melts over the bun, adding even more moisture and richness. Since its initial inception, the cinnamon roll has become quite a popular breakfast, dessert, and anytime treat all around the world; everywhere you go, someone always has a different and unique approach to this classic pastry. So, here are a few of the different types of cinnamon rolls you will find worldwide.


Kanelbullar, Sweden
Kanelbullar, is made with cardamom dough and cinnamon sugar filling. Then, instead of rolling and cutting the cinnamon rolls, Swedish bakers twist theirs into little knots and bake them. Instead of icing, traditional Swedish cinnamon buns are topped with crunchy, chunky Swedish Pearl Sugar.

Soft Cinnamon Rolls with Sesame, Japan
Made with a Japanese milk bread formula, these light, fluffy rolls have a crispy crust, a filling of cinnamon sugar and buttery sesame paste. They are then topped with a powdered sugar glaze that can also incorporate sesame for some extra sesame flavor.

Bostonkakku, Finland
This Finnish delight is a cake that is made from placing cinnamon rolls into a pan together without spacing, allowing them to come together to form one big cake. Once baked, it’s drizzled with traditional icing and sprinkled with pearl sugar.

Kanelsnegl, Denmark
Danish cinnamon buns, known as Kanelsnegl, are made with yeast dough, butter, and of course cinnamon and sugar just like many other variants of this tasty morsel, but they usually bake up a little more flat and wide than your average cinnamon bun. They can be iced like traditional cinnamon buns or they can also be topped with chocolate for an even deeper flavor profile.

Skillingsboller, Norway
The Skillingsboller is Norway’s version of the cinnamon bun. The name translates to “penny bun” in English, and this particular variant is more exclusive to the Bergen region of Norway. They’re not as sweet as the cinnamon buns you’ll often find in America; instead, they are enjoyed as a light, sweet snack that pairs well with a cup of coffee.