Man Has Favorite Pair of Sneakers Permanently Tattooed on His Feet

Dean Gunther is a popular tattoo artist from Manchester in the UK. He recently gained notoriety for tattooing a pair of sneakers onto a client’s feet. Tired of always buying new pairs of sneakers, the man decided to have his favorite pair of Nikes permanently tattooed onto his feet. Although drawn exclusively by hand, the design really does create the illusion that the person is wearing a pair of Vibram FiveFingers sneakers with built-in toe slots. The man apparently prefers Nikes, but they don’t make that design, so… Gunther said that the hardest part was drawing the sneakers by hand, as using a stencil was out of the question. He viewed a 360ยบ rendition of the sneakers and then spent a couple of hours free-handing the design onto the client’s feet. The tattooing took another 8 hours to complete.