How to Tell If Your Pillow Is Dead

Getting a restful night’s sleep depends on several factors — and the pillow itself is a biggie. Pillows provide support for the alignment of your spine, and they're a necessary factor in your sleep comfort. The thickness and firmness of the pillow needed or preferred will vary from person to person, but any pillow can be detrimental to your sleep once it has run its course. The Sleep Foundation experts suggest replacing polyester pillows every year, feather pillows every two years, and latex pillows every three years. It’s important to remember that — similar to sheets and covers — pillows need to be cleaned regularly to avoid the buildup of dirt and dust. When you sleep, your pillow is absorbing things like sweat, hair, and skin cells, which can attract dust mites and worsen symptoms for people with allergies. You don’t want to know what’s living in your pillow, but since you’re reading……..a mixture of bugs, dead skin, and house dust mites and their feces. Studies show that pillows that aren't washed at least twice a year can hold 17,422 times more bacteria than an average toilet seat. Sleep tight!